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5 Co. - vocals/guitar | Toshe - lead guitar/backing vocals | Kiro - bass | Malkia Mohikan - drums

Band started in 1998 in Sofia, Bulgaria. For 25+ years of history band have countless appearances on fests in whole Eastern Europe and have released 5 albums and a single under own belt.

Daily Noise Club have been opening act for bands like Anthrax and Megadeth for their shows in Sofia, Bulgaria. DNC have toured Bulgaria and Europe with bands like Doomfoxx (Australia), Soleilnoir (DE), Voodoo Healers (GR), Green Goblins (GR), Bubblegum Screw (UK), Black Magic Six (FI) and have shared a stage with musicians like Kory Clarke from Warrior Soul (USA), Adam Bomb (USA), Lord Bishop (USA) & Steve Dior (UK). Daily Noise Club have toured UK, Germany, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia, Sovakia, Czech Republic & Romania through the years.

Playing high energy, passionate and loud rock D.N.C. can always make you fit into the right mood for a jump & shout type of party!
This is the feeling they deliver and you get at their shows, proving that rock music is the ultimate time machine, even now in 21st century!